Cover Fieldtree or Loose Quadtree

The cover fieldtree and the equivalent loose quadtree (loose octree in three dimensions), is obtained by expanding the size of the space that is spanned by each quadtree block c of width w by a block expansion factor p (p>0) so that the expanded block is of width w.(1+p). Thus instead of associating (inserting) objects with (into) their minimum enclosing quadtree blocks as in MX-CIF quadtrees, they are associated with (inserted into) their minimum expanded quadtree block. For more details, see pages 257-259, 466-473 and 827-832 of Samet, Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures and, see pages 200-213 of Samet, Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures.


In Insert mode, click and drag to specify a new rectangle. In Delete mode click inside an existing rectangle to remove it from the quadtree. If you click in an area that is occupied by several rectangles, one of them will be chosen arbitrarily and deleted.

In Search mode, click and drag to specify a rectangle. All rectangles stored in the loose quadtree overlapped by the new rectangle will be drawn in blue.